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Post Frame Buildings Kentucky – The Best Economical Building Solution

Post frame buildings Kentucky: Post frame buildings are usually the most affordable building choice. They use less material, are speedily built, and offer excellent energy efficiency. Most depend on wooden posts embedded in ground for their foundations. is a leading post frame building Construction Company in Lexington KY provides pre-cast concrete piers that lift wood posts over ground. MIDWESTERNBUILDINGS also provides ¼” thick steel post brackets that attach post-frame buildings to cast in position piers, basements or base walls. The products can also be used to fix spoiled posts in older buildings and for timber decks.

Post frame buildings Lexington KY


What is Post-frame building construction?

  • Post frame buildings are the more affordable, energy efficient and environmentally friendly of buildings. Laminated columns or wood posts are directly connected to designed trusses to make a two dimensional post frame which is more rigid than trusses on top of a header or beam.
  • The post frames are attached along with roof purlins, wall girts and external cladding to make an extremely powerful and durable three dimensional diaphragm structure.
  • Trusses set among the plies of laminated columns and thru bolted set up can support big clear spans, and resistance to the wind a lot better than a storm clip.
  • Specifically created laminated columns support taller sidewalls. Post frame techniques offer optimum space for open, flexible floor plans and high roofs.
Post Frame Buildings Michigan

In several post frame buildings, the builder just digs a hole, puts a post, laminated column or pre cast concrete pier in the ground, levels it up and builds. It is one of the fastest on site construction methods allowed by building code. provides quality building construction solutions at the lowest possible price for Post frame in and around Lexington KY. Get more detail info by calling at (855)-744-0022.